Ruby-internal is Ruby module that provides direct access to Ruby's (MRI or YARV) internal data structures.
How is ruby-internal useful? You can:
To install it:
$ gem install ruby-internal
This will dump the class Foo (including its instance methods, class variables, etc.) and re-load it:
require 'internal/node' class Foo def foo; puts "this is a test..."; end end s = Marshal.dump(Foo) p Marshal.load(s) #=> Foo
require 'pp' require 'internal/node/pp' require 'internal/classtree' require 'internal/method/signature'Now you can print node trees:
irb(main):001:0> pp (proc { 1 + 1 }.body) NODE_NEWLINE at (irb):1 |-nth = 1 +-next = NODE_CALL at (irb):1 |-recv = NODE_LIT at (irb):1 | +-lit = 1 |-args = NODE_ARRAY at (irb):1 | |-alen = 1 | |-head = NODE_LIT at (irb):1 | | +-lit = 1 | +-next = false +-mid = :+ => nilAnd view class hierarchies:
irb(main):004:0> puts #<Object:0x40330ce8> +-class = Object |-class = #<Class:Object> | |-class = Class | | |-class = #<Class:Class> | | | |-class = #<Class:Class> (*) | | | +-super = #<Class:Module> | | | |-class = Class (*) | | | +-super = #<Class:Object> (*) | | +-super = Module | | |-class = #<Class:Module> (*) | | +-super = Object (*) | +-super = Class (*) +-super = #<PP::ObjectMixin?:0x40349568> +-class = PP::ObjectMixin? |-class = Module (*) +-super = #<Kernel:0x4033507c> +-class = Kernel => nilView method signatures:
irb(main):015:0> def foo(a, b, *rest, &block); end; method(:foo).signature => #<MethodSig::Signature:0x4037093c @origin_class=Object, @arg_info={:b=>"b", :block=>"&block", :a=>"a", :rest=>"*rest"}, @name="foo", @arg_names=[:a, :b, :rest, :block]> irb(main):016:0> proc { |x, y, *rest| }.signature => #<Proc::Signature:0x4036cf30 @args=#<Proc::Arguments:0x4036d020 @rest_arg=2, @multiple_assignment=true, @names=[:x, :y, :rest]>, @arg_info={:x=>"x", :y=>"y", :rest=>"*rest"}>And reconstruct compiled methods:
irb(main):001:0> def foo(a, b, *rest, &block) irb(main):002:1> begin irb(main):003:2* if not a and not b then irb(main):004:3* raise "Need more input!" irb(main):005:3> end irb(main):006:2> return a + b irb(main):007:2> ensure irb(main):008:2* puts "In ensure block" irb(main):009:2> end irb(main):010:1> end => nil irb(main):011:0> m = method(:foo) => #<Method: Object#foo> irb(main):012:0> puts m.as_code def foo(a, b, *rest, &block) begin (raise("Need more input!")) if (not a and not b) return a + b ensure puts("In ensure block") end end => nil
Yes, ruby-internal works with YARV, too. The difference when using YARV is that sometimes you have nodes, and sometimes you have instruction sequences. So whereas pre-YARV you would have a pure AST, with YARV you get structures that look like this:
irb(main):001:0> def foo; 1 + 1; end => nil irb(main):002:0> pp method(:foo).body NODE_METHOD at (irb):1 |-noex = PUBLIC |-body = <ISeq:foo@(irb)> | |-0000 trace 8 | |-0002 trace 1 | |-0004 putobject 1 | |-0006 putobject 1 | |-0008 opt_plus | |-0009 trace 16 | +-0011 leave +-cnt = 0
You can also access the original AST with Node.compile
irb(main):001:0> n = Node.compile_string('1+1') => #>Node::SCOPE:0x40420af0> irb(main):002:0> pp n NODE_SCOPE at (compiled):1 |-rval = NODE_CALL at (compiled):1 | |-recv = NODE_LIT at (compiled):1 | | +-lit = 1 | |-args = NODE_ARRAY at (compiled):1 | | |-alen = 1 | | |-head = NODE_LIT at (compiled):1 | | | +-lit = 1 | | +-next = false | +-mid = :+ |-tbl = nil +-next = false
compile it to a bytecode sequence:
irb(main):003:0> is = n.bytecode_compile() => <ISeq:<main>@(compiled)> irb(main):004:0> puts is.disasm == disasm: >ISeq:>main>@(compiled)>===================================== 0000 trace 1 ( 1) 0002 putobject 1 0004 putobject 1 0006 opt_plus 0007 leave => nil
iterate over the bytecode sequence:
irb(main):004:0> is.each { |i| puts "#{i.inspect} #{i.length} #{i.operand_types.inspect}" } #<VM::Instruction::TRACE:0x40412324 @operands=[1]> 2 [:num] #<VM::Instruction::PUTOBJECT:0x404121d0 @operands=[1]> 2 [:value] #<VM::Instruction::PUTOBJECT:0x4041207c @operands=[1]> 2 [:value] #<VM::Instruction::OPT_PLUS:0x40411f28 @operands=[]> 1 [] #<VM::Instruction::LEAVE:0x40411e24 @operands=[]> 1 [] => nil
then decompile it:
irb(main):005:0> require 'as_expression' => true irb(main):006:0> is.as_expression => "1 + 1"
There are still a few missing features (particularly in the decompiler), but expect to see more exciting tools for working with bytecode in the future!
$ ruby -rinternal/node/dump test.rbit will dump your program's syntax tree. The nwobfusc tool is similar:
$ ruby -rinternal/obfusc test.rb > test2.rbbut its output is an obfuscated version of your program. The program must be run on the same version of both ruby-internal and the interpreter.