Notes for
- Jim Freeze: Teaching Ruby in a Corporate Environment
- EDA: Electronic Data Automation
- Course history
- 20 lessons to learn how to parse a file
- student background: EE's who know enough to shoot themselves in the foot
- homework: exercises and labs
- labs took hours for what a seasoned Ruby programemer would take 5 minutes
- Now condensed to a 2.5 day course
- Course overview
- Student profile
- Tools: irb, ri, editor, cmdline
- require index, quick help guide
- Course outline
- Curriculum
- Have fun! (tough w/ engineers, ha ha)
- in irb
- 2*2, 2**2, 2**2**2**...
- 5*4, 5.methods, 5.class, Fixnum.methods
- Basics: naming, control flow
- Variables, methods, classes, objects
- People need to see something in their own context so they can understand it
- Stackup class
- Something to do w/ electronic devices?
- Stackup class -> FET class
- now it makes sense to the EE's
- Regular expressions
- some experts in the audience -- be careful not to leave the rest of the class in the dust
- Blocks/procs/lambdas/iterators/whatever
- one of Ruby's roughest areas and an area that has the roughest success in class
- Tying up loose ends: forking, etc.
- Corporate customizations: local repositories, best practices, etc.
- Sending email, http data mining
- Course flow/intensity
- Avoid extremes:
- intensity in classes
- keep people awake w/ irb
- 2-5 minute exercises before teaching
- Technique would not work well for remote classes
- Publicity
- Infrastructure
- Test_All.rb, rake
- rake files for tests would be really cool
- Code repository
- lightweight application review board
- Code review
- Keep ruby code looking like ruby
- Keep things simple ("we're not perl coders on an ego trip")
- Code reuse - local libs and 'global' libs
- Best practices
- Be patient, be a teacher
- Facilitate integration, take no credit
- Promote ruby coders, not ruby
- What next?
- Rich Kilmer: Ultralog project
- Can we build a system that operates with 45% loss of infrastructure?
- Cougaar Multiagent System
- 800K LOC java
- component-based, robust, secure, open source
- components run on agents which run on nodes which run on machines
- Goals: automation
- Automate configuration (kickstart machine)
- Configure society (1M lines XML)
- Build management
- Manage society execution
- Schedule execution, kill agents, etc.
- All automated by ruby (for testing reliability of the system)
- AUtomate reports
- UltraLog dashboard
- ACME in Ruby
- Why Ruby? - Cross-platform and extensible and scalable
- ACME Architecture
- Scheduler runs ACME scripts
- ACME service controls nodes
- built with Freebase plugins
- ACME scripting
- Actions: do_action "<classname>"
- Scripting example
- Pure ruby, but looks domain-specific
- Transformation rules
- Empowered the end-user to write rules himself without going through the database or Java folks
- Society persistence
- Store in both ruby and xml
- Why ni Ruby? - because Ruby's parser is fast
- State examples
- 2.hours + 5.minutes -- programmers loved this
- Building Actions
- dependencies between actions to ensure correct order of execution
- society inherits from Cougaar::Action
- Reporting
- evolution: Event-based --> sequence-based --> code-driven --> data-driven (in YAML)
- Message Router
- Jabber is great for humans, but not designed for high-volume between machines
- Future Directions
- RATIFY - Ruby Automated Test & Integration Framework.. Yeah!
- Control infrastructure in distributed environment
- Built-in DNS service discovery (Rendezvous) integration
- Austin Ziegler: Ruwiki: Using & Extending
- Going to be the default wiki on Rubyforge; may replace Usemod on Rubygarden too
- Original by Alan Chen; colaboration between Austin and Alan since late 2003
- History
- Why Ruwiki?
- CGI or Webrick
- Cleanly separated templates
- Anti-spam
- Two steps to installation: unpack, open in browser
- Rubygen/RPA installation:
- ruwiki install cgi --to <directory>
- To move ruwiki elsewhere:
- Extending Ruwiki
- APIs may be unstable
- Can extend: tokens, backends, translations, templates, network handles, actions
- Tokens: basic formatting object, regex-based
- Translations - map symbol => string
- Backends - could add SQL backend, but struct requirement on it
- Templates
- based on Dave's rdoc templates
- tokens define CSS classes
- Network Handlers
- request and response objects are separate
- use cookies to integrate with Rubyforge logins
- Actions
- Ruwiki currently monolithic, but in the future will use action objects (similar to the command pattern)
- Default action: show
- Future
- Anti-spam, probably requiring pipeline changse
- View diff revisions
- Function tokens - makes it easier to add tokens, without specifying them using regexes
- Vector search
- Static content - headers/footers, e.g.
- Recent changes for the entire wiki (will enable an RSS feed)
- Full authentication, not just for Rubyforge logins
- Page meta-data editing
- Page can be set non-editable (to "freeze" discussions)
- Questions
- How easy will it be to roll back changes for a given IP?
- ideally, one click
- Not as simple a problem as it sounds
- Why Ruwiki over instiki?
- Doesn't require webrick
- More extensible
- Hal Fulton: Tycho: A Ruby-based PIM
- PIM = information manager, not contact manager/rolodex
- Goal: Manage all kinds of information from of varying sources and types
- Related software
- "Mind mapping" software (MindMapper / Visual Mind / The Brain)
- "Traditional outlining software (vim, e.g.)
- Treepad
- Freemind - one of Hal's favorites
- All Java
- too heavily graphical; can't have many child nodes, else the display is messed up (so flat lists don't work)
- InfoSelect ( - Windows-only
- Legacy software: Commence (IBM), Ecco
- Inspiration for Tycho: InfoSelect (Tornado on DOS)
- Paradigm: Piles of sticky notes
- every keystroke eliminates notes that don't match
- Why Tycho
- open-source, cross-platform
- eliminate code bloat / feature creep
- have to be able to say "no" to users' requests for new features
- expose a usable API
- written & scriptable in Ruby
- Screenshot
- Basic concept
- Topics organized in a hierarchy
- Notes associated with each topic
- Notes in a flat file; topics in a DBM
- All data stored internally as YAML
- Most recently used list
- Metadata in each note
- Some bugs remain
- The Tycho API
- full manipulation of topics and notes
- TODO: better metadata
- Ideas:
- use to update websites via RSS feeds
- hyperbolic interface (see StarTree at
- inheritance model
- applets
- P2P data sharing
- Rich Kilmer: Project Alph
- Flash architecture
- Flash player - a plugin
- Flash IDE - for creating content
- Flash vs. Flash Professional (more widgets)
- Stack-based VM (runs bytecode)
- Rich API for graphics
- no file access
- SWF file contains byte-code instructions
- has graphics primitives
- compiled from ActionScript (an ECMAScript variant) - only one (two?) compiler
- Cross-platform plugin (uses original Netscape API, and activex)
- Stateful client
- Browser downloads swf file from server via http
- Flash player can connect to server via socket API
- Flash 2004
- Actionscript 2.0 (based on ECMAScript 3.0)
- Classes/Packages/Interfaces
- Components 2.0 - binary distribution of components
- ActionScript development
- Code in vi/emacs/xcode
- Compile in Flash
- Each class a file (like Java)
- No threads!
- Alph architecture
- Elements of Alpha: ruby, alph, swf frame, jar, swf/flash
- Alph wire protocol
- RMI protocol between ruby/flash, ruby/java
- Methods: eval, new_object, call_method, call_method w/ callback, reply
- Types: true, false, string, integer, ...
- Alph in Ruby
- FlashVM class lets you call into flash runtime
- Alph code example
- Demo
- Button, minimize, alert ("Error: no/cancel"), list box, scroll pane
- Ichat - uses rendezvous (automatic server discovery via multicast)
- flash app to view Rendezvous data
- Rich can never dmo just one thing at a time
- Future plans
- Popup menu support
- Layout managers
- Flex-like UI creation
- Utopia bindings
- Patrick May: Narf: a look at a 2 year-old framework
- Hello world:
- require 'web'
- Web::process { puts 'Hello, world' }
- CGI scripts are cmdline apps
- Testing: checking HTML is ugly
- Solution: Narflates - don't check the html
- Checking/submitting forms in tests
- Narf apps can run as cgi, fcgi, webrick
- Main test site for Narf:
- Templating
- idea of "template include path" - lets different templates be used very easily
- Web::Wiki
- HTMLArea - rich-text area for browsers via dHTML (not part of Narf)
- "It is inevitable that someone will abuse your site. Waste their time, not yours."
- Wiki "tarpit" feature - known vandals think they have made changes, but haven't
- Future directions
- Integration with other libraries (RD, Rdoc)
- Integration with WebUnit
- More php parameter convenience
- RSS feeds for Web::Wiki
- Categorization/topic map for Web::Wiki
- James Britt:
- Website for Ruby documentation
- Quick history
- complaint on ruby-talk from a Python user that Rucy lacked sufficient documentation
- James Britt, Jim Freeze, - started plans
- Dec. 2002 - launched
- Version Zero
- links to ML, pickaxe, known documentation
- periodic news postings (blog)
- content was hand-authored
- Version Zero Point something
- Ruby documentation bundle (Gavin Sinclair) - FAQ, pickaxe - getting old (most content for Ruby 1.6)
- URL queries - retrieve ri/pickaxe content using simple URLs
- Version Zero Point Something or Other
- Documentation for the stdlib (Gavin Sinclair)
- now added to the Ruby core itself
- Site acquired more content over time
- Euruko 2003 videos
- Translations to french/german
- Problems
- ri lookup is broken
- difficult to find things on the site
- hard to add stuff (too much information repeated in multiple places)
- Current goals
- Facets and metadata
- Most blog tools make you think too much (content gets forced into narrow slots)
- better: automatic categorization (John Udell)
- add smarter data; let the software figure out what to do with it
- What this buys us
- better searching/navigation than "big list o' docs"
- Where this may lead
- Actual location of document matters less
- Services
- Future goals
- Make it easier to add content
- Allow people to annotate content
- ala Phrogz's version of online pickaxe (old pickaxe book plus annotations)
- Comments on content
- David Hansson: Ruby on Rails
- Rails - "just enough to make the creation of database-backed web applications tolerable"
- The Rails MVC
- Active Record / Action View / Action Controller
- Also Action Mailer (not part of the core)
- Competing forces
- PHP - easy to write web apps quickly (immediacy)
- Java - community focused around cleanness, usability (ivory tower)
- Opportunity of Inexperience
- only possible to fix problems when you are still annoyed by them and not accustomed to them
- Make the masses realize Ruby
- package up annoyances with Ruby into a black box that makes the problems go away for newcomers
- Design model / "Mantras"
- DJ - remix old ideas
- "Discount innovations"
- Less software - say no by default; extract the essence of a good idea
- Frameworks are retrospective; they are extracted, not built
- Convenience over configuration - but give the appearance of choice
- Passion is infectious
- the art of picking figures - stay on the "winning path"
- create more "happy people"
- Be compassionate
- Proud pieces
- Recommended directory structure
- Preconfigured logging
- Lots of stubs (but not generative programming)
- One-word template layouts
- one layout file with header and footer that pulls in other templates
- Ability to interact with environment/domain model with irb
- people = Person.find_all(...)
- p = { |p| p.last_name == "..." }
- p.password = "foobar123";
- Features Almost here
- Action mailer - easy to create service layer to send out email
- Going OO on associations - relations in DB become OO (Florian Weber)
- ERb template caching (Andreas Schwartz)
- Rails 1.0+ - before end of 2004
- needmore database adaptors
- Jim Weirich: The Many Facets of RubyGems
- Quick tour
- Flash demo
- Query repositories (--local, --remote)
- gem install <gemname>
- Enable Rubygems (Ruby -rubygems or export RUBYOPT=rubygems)
- When in doubt, gem help [<command>]
- Other interesting gem commands:
- gem update (upgrade all installed gems)
- gem env (gem environmental info)
- gem spec <gemname> (print specification for a given gem)
- Multiple versions
- Version constraints
- ==, >, <, >=, <=
- ~> "approximately greater than"
- Version constraints should ensure features have expected behavior (semantics)
- A reommented versioning policy
- compatible release - increment "build number"
- Backward-compatible new features are added - increment minor version
- Backward-incompatible - increment major number
- Fictional project example
- Some guidelines
- Specific version knowledge is evil
- Version resolution may fail (if e.g. two libraries have incompatible constraints)
- Creating gems
- 1. Create a gem spec
- 2. Create the gem
- gem build <package>.gemspec
- Using Rake
- How Ruby finds libraries
- using $LOAD_PATH
- gems uses a different directory for each pck/version
- require_gem searches installed gems for a gem that matches ther version constraints
- Stubs vs. "require hack"
- old versions of gems used stubs
- hurts versioning aspect of gems
- executables still use stubs
- stubs can figure out what version to run via cmdline arguments
- Genesis - the midnight hackers
- Possible Rubygems directions
- push toward 1.0, bug fixes
- URI support
- Better source/binaries support
- Better tools for creating/using gems
- Koichi Sasada: YARV: Yet another Ruby VM Who are you?
- 1st degree PhD researcher, hyperthreading/SMP research
- YARV - first step toward a parallel interpreter
- Member of Nihon Ruby no Kai (Ruby community in Japan)
- Favorite method: __send__ (a tradition of sorts for Ruby talks in Japan)
- Ko1 - from Koichi - Japanese joke using the number 1
- Working on Kahua (scheme app server) part-time
- Software: Rava, Ruscheme, Nadoka Why YARV?
- Current Ruby interpreter too slow
- AST traversed at run-time
- myth: Ruby is a slow language
- bytecode interpreter seems good
- existing bytecode intrepreters: incomplete or slow
- What is YARV?
- VM for Ruby
- funded by "Exploratory Software Development" - "Exploratory Youth"
- by IPA - IT Promotion Agency, Japan
- VM instruction set design, VM design, JIT, AOT
- (AOT produces C source as output)
- Goals
- to be Rite
- To be fastest Ruby VM (not hard)
- To enable all Ruby features
- easy to make "Ruby subset VM", but is it Ruby?
- How to pronounse YARV?
- doesn't matter; YARV will either become Rite or be forgotten
- How to implement YARV?
- simple stack machine
- Ruby C extension
- Wordcode, not bytecode
- Use Ruby's existing infrastructure (GC, parser, Ruby API -- this makes memory management easy)
- Compiler parses Ruby AST (compiler written in C)
- 5 registers
- Frames
- Method Frame - identical to class frame
- Control Frame
- evrey frame has this
- includes "self"
- Continuation
- Block Frame
- Created when 'yield' is called
- Proc
- enables indefinite extent - moving environment to heap
- creates block frame
- environments connected via linked list
- Exception/Jump
- exception table, like Java VM
- rescue/ensure clauses, retry point
- rewind stack and check "this" table, if jump occurred
- different from Java: must manage continuation SP register (Java VM only uses PC)
- Ensure
- if no jump, ensure is done by normal control flow
- if exception raised, jump to ____(?) stack frame
- What Instructions?
- names not abbreviated
- Instruction groups:
- stack control
- accessors
- put something
- apply change
- method definition
- method call/class/module_def (same group b/c class group is an expression)
- control flow
- optimization
- How to write each instruction?
- IDL - instruction description language
- (body in C, declare variables, operands, values pushed popped)
- parsed by Ruby
- YARV optimization techniques
- inline cache - "VM state version" counter
- constant/method lookups use this
- stack caching - 2 levels
- super instructions (multiple instructions can be merged into one)
- effective techniques because C compiler can do optimization
- TODO: JIT compile - need an easy way
- AOT compile - up to 100x improvement?
- Is YARV working now?
- Variables, class/module definition, method invocation
- Current limitations
- Can't call Ruby from C
- Missing some Ruby features (such as set_trace_func)
- How fast? - some benchmarks shown here
- 1-2 orders of magnitude faster
- Why not another VM?
- vs Java VM, squeak, ...
- nice library, optimizer
- Tradeoff between optimizer and Ruby, stub
- Is it fun?
- vs Parrot
- is register model really fast?
- is it fun?
- Schedule
- Nov/Dec 2004 - AOT/JIT
- 2005 - debug!
- Mar - finish the fund
- Future Work
- Complete Ruby spec
- optimizers
- benchmark program
- marshalling YARV instruction seq.
- Nathaniel Talbot - "Test::Unit".downcase.sub(/::/, "/") - "test/unit"
- _Learning_ a new language is "easy"; _thinking_ in a new language is hard
- Ruby idioms: underscores, indentation, ||=, ...if...unless
- Ruby vocabulary: unless, loop, scan, pp
- Ruby grammar, semantics
- nil and false are false; everything else is true
- compose, don't inherit (ruby makes composition easy)
- libraries are made up of files, not classes (classes can be extended)
- Immigration and naturalization (coming to ruby)
- What can we do to help newcomers?
- Newcomers WILL bring pre/mis-conceptions
- Best solution: cultural immersion (entice them then help them to see what is easiest)
- Other culters have things to teach us, too
- Our advantage: Ruby is imminently readable ("read the source" is a viable option)
- Naturaliztion exam for Nathaniel: test/unit2
- Five simple pieces of testing: assertions, tests, fixtures, suites, runner (core, UIs)
- Starting out with test/unit2
- Everything should be its own object, and those objects should be easier to manipulate
- "magic" should make things easier, not just be "the way things work"
- test fixtures replace setup/teardown
- Slimming it down
- simple AND easy
- Use ruby's "declarative" style (instead of classes, use method calls and blocks)
- Tests as documentation
- example code extracted from tests; examples can be integrated with rdoc
- What about test/unit?
- backward-compatible changes backported to 1.8
- heavier changes released as add-on to 1.8
- Other things in store
- Easier assertion writing
- A re-runnable runner framework
- Easier runner running
- Test metadata
- dependencies between tests (for acceptance testing; if this test fails, don't even try the others)
- Live demo (of the prototype)
- Closing Thoughts
- Testing isn't hard; Java is hard
- Shashank Date - Ruby webzine ('zine)
- at
- artima = leARn, ThInk, iMAgine
- vision: educational project; everyone learns from everyone else
- infrastructure in java/python
- editor, advisory board
- to be done: name, tagline, editor training, invitation for articles, article reviews, advertisements/sponsor
- authors will be paid (if artima is paid)
- no subscriptions
- author owns copyright, but grants 30-day exclusive license to artima
- editor's request
- - suggestions, please
- look for announcement
- submit good/original articles
- translate
- sponsor/advertise
- Brad Cox: Objective C: A Retrospective
- Brad Cox: An Object-oriented guy
- 1980 - ITT, Object-oriented pre-compiler
- PPI - Productivity Products International
- Objective C + Foundation Classes
- Venture Captital: PPI -> Stepstone
- Book: OOP: An evolutionary approach
- GUI library (cross-platform)
- Automated Testing suite (like JUnit)
- 1990 - Multitasking library (Taskmaster)
- Book: Superdistribution: Objects as property
- ...
- Original goal: create technology that throws away noise and keeps signal ("groupware")
- The 1980s - C and Unix and THAT's IT
- No PC's, everything was PDP11 and VAX
- Onyx, Fortune, Sun&HP
- Mac just announced
- No platform-independent GUIs (X was proprietary)
- The Internet as we know it today was a decade away
- Goal was coordination tools, not ObjC
- Means was Robust Software, ObjC, C
- Objects and messages
- Smalltalk messages
- someObject doThis: arg1 withThat: arg2
- ObjC messages - same as smalltalk msgs surrounded by square brackets
- C-style function calls still present
- Classes and inheritance
- special syntax to create classes
- +class_method
- -instance_method
- separate interface (.h) from implementation (.m)
- @interface was not originally present
- Messaging implementation
- Messages compile to C calls to the _msg() function
- Run-time: class hierarchy followed to find method implementation
- Object points to structure that holds instance variables and dispatch table; this structure points to similar structure that holds class vars and dispatch table
- sed script used to patch dispatch table with jmp instruction (originally)
- alternate implementation - two implementations of _msg(), one which scans the dispatch table and calls the other
- Software-ICs (using hardware as an analogy for software)
- "class object" == "factory object"
- object "super pointer points to ground
- IC Packs (a marketing term...)
- Foundation classes: object, arrays, collections
- UI classes - like java AWT/swing
- platform independent substrate that was hard to port/test
- Multitasking (Taskmaster) _ threads/blocks/exceptions
- based on longjmp/setjmp and asm
- Questions
- Why no GC?
- hard to implement, as C is just a portable assembler
- speed was an issue (reputation of GC at the time)
- Why did C++ succeed and ObjC not?
- C++ is no soldering gun; not a technical Q...
- Why did NeXT accept ObjC?
- C++ - yuck
- Object Pascal - Steve Jobs was already out of Pascal
- Brad Cox (Part 2)
- The hardware industry's solution
- Java not too different from asm 30 years ago
- hardware industry - success depends on success of customer (interdependency)
- chip makers earn an honest living by providing silicon components for others to use; no equivalent in software world
- geometric growth for hardware industry
- arithmetic growth for software industry
- no traction in software industry (funny picture of card loaded so heavy it lifts the horse in the air)
- Wooden pencil harder to build / more complex than "digital pencil" (simple word processor)
- Supply chains
- Wooden pencil - parts made of parts made of parts
- world-wide network necessary to produce all the parts of the pencil
- no economic models to produce equiv. in software industry; one person (or a small team) could have built the digital pencil
- Software vs. hardware
- hardware made of atoms (concept of "own")
- sofware made of bits
- immune to physical conservation laws
- implications: copyright-based compensation cannot work long-term
- advertising-based compensation - makes both TV and software horrible
- use-right based compensation (ret a car vs. buying a car)
- never seriously tried
- related to licensing, but would be technologically enforced
- goal: enforce economy by law of nature, not man
- The Internet today
- Text TV; nouse > signal, pop-up ads, spyware, privacy issues, spam (advertising)
- owners and buyers at war (esp. in music industry)
- Win-lose, not win-win
- sellers treating buyers as thieves
- buyers return the favor with P2P, etc.
- Why not win-win?
- Goal: put economic value on use of bits, not the bits themselves
- Vaults - they focus on thieves, not customers
- instead, should focus on buying/selling!
- sales room: the opposite of a vault
- focus on selling AND protecting via dynamic security (cameras, alarms, clerks, guards)
- How would a usage-based system work?
- revenue flows on use, not when bits are acquired
- Applies recursively (user pays for app; app pays for components; end-user doesn't know the difference)
- (see diagram on slides)
- John Knight: Rubyx4DC
- Point of presentation: to connect us with
- Rubyx - a Linux distro or an OS?
- Andrew's goal: to sell games (multi-user, distributed games); Rubyx provides an environment for this
- Daniel Berger; Ruby on Windows
- Windows Services
- service == managed server program (daemon)
- Windows has no fork/setsid/init - use services to run a daemon in the background
- win32-service package
- Example: viewing services
- Controlling services: service_[start|stop|pause|resume|delete]
- Use Daemon class to create new services
- Example: "echo" service
- Debugging services: Use the Event Logger
- The Windows Event Log
- Win32 equivalent of syslog
- Use the event viewer to see events
- win32-eventlog
- Allows reading/writing
- Reading EventLog - open/read/close
- Can access event log on remote machine
- Writing to event log
- register an event source
- crete message category file
- use mc to generate header then dll
- register dll with Windows
- use report_event() to write an event to the log
- Running commands
- exec does not work
- popen does work, but you can't use "-" character to open a new interpreter
- win32-popen - works like Open3.popen3, but API is different
- No fork() on win32 - win32-process library has rfork(), which restarts from beginning of program
- Future plans
- SAPI, IE Controller (Chris Morris has done this?), Screenshot, enhance existing modules
- Jamis Buck: Dependency Injection in Ruby
- Dependency Injection - Automates creation of objects and their dependencies --> lose coupling of components
- a kind of "Inversion of Control" (other types of IOC: configuration control, concurrency, logging)
- Example: Using Copland to automate logging of method calls
- Example: Referencing other services
- Service configuration
- Packages define and contribute to configuration points
- Services specify dependencies of configuration points
- Unit testing
- since creation of dependencies is abstracted, construction of mock objects is easy
- Lifecycle management
- service models: prototype, singleton (instance per thread), threaded
- types of instantiation: immediate, deferred
- Calculator example - converting an app to use Copland
- 1. refactor all operations into their own classes
- 2. manual dependency injection
- 3. create package descriptor (package.yml)
- service point = definition for a service
- 4. specify dependencies in yaml file
- 5.
- 6. registery.service('<name of service>')
- still want to make it easy for 3rd parties to add new functions
- 7. create operations map (in package.yml)
- 8. add parameters attribute to calculator (in package.yml)
- Consistent logging
- add log property to Calculator
- now use @log.debug from the Calculator class
- Interceptors
- A real example: packrat
- Other uses
- A database abstraction layer (like DBI)
- Object-relational mapping layer
- Web application framework
- "Framework glue"
- Other features of Copland
- service models
- substitution symbols
- customizable logging
- listener/producer systems
- Other packages for Copland
- copland-lib, copland-remote, copland-webrick
- Future directions
- Type 1 IOC
- Simplify API
- Define dependeicnies in code
- Rubyize (Copland is a port from Java)
- Gordon James Miller: Code Generation in a Heterogenous Environment
- Project: integration of hardware and software
- First demo in python, used all resources on the machine (1G mem)
- Difficulties
- needs to run on a small portable platform (ruggedized Dulch laptop)
- Software structure
- lots of data converters, convert binary to various msg formats
- converters are generated
- Language decision: C++
- easy to port, fast, "small" executables
- slow to develop, ugly
- solution: code generation
- Ruby Guidelines for the project
- standard distribution only (can't depend on being able to download dependencies in the field)
- Data representation
- XML - everyone already knows it
- Validation done by the code generator
- All documentation generated by XML
- ERB (Embedded Ruby) Intro
- Basic Strategy: XML --> data model --> ERB
- Network messages
- Each instrument hsa its own msg set
- First N bytes specify type of msg
- Network Object Model
- if you feel you are doing something twice, perhaps it should be generated
- Code Generation Example
- Cmdline parsing also generated
- Physical constants generated so they'll be the same across languages (MathML)
- Benefits
- single XML file to contain all information
- separation of XML and code generator
- easy maintenance (someone else can maintain this!)
- Drawbacks
- Ruby is still a niche language
- ERB templates cryptic, hard to read
- no one else can maintain this :(
- Why not Corba?
- Environment with 3s ping times and 90% packet loss; may need to burst over 90-second period before connection is lost -- no one has a system that can handle this well yet.