Paul's Source Code Page

This is a list of all the programs that I have worked on in that past that I've been able to dig up from over the years. I figured I'd try to make a page of these, mainly for nostalgic reasons, and perhaps to help new programmers who are coming along in the world (though most of this stuff is so old it probably won't be of much use).

Please do not email me concerning obtaining a copy of Visual BASIC for DOS. Yes, I own a copy, but my disks are corrupted, and are no longer installable. You may still be able to get a copy from Microsoft, or get PowerBASIC and a windowing library and you can still have just as much fun.

Except as noted in the documentation, all of the programs here that I wrote are now being released into public domain.  Please note that there may be some programs here which are not fully mine; though I am not sure who the original authors are in all cases, I have tried to make that clear wherever I can.

fwp fwp is a small c program that redirects http requests. Needs to be recompiled for each specific server. Does not handle absolute pathnames or do any html parsing.
fwp.c (C source file, UNIX)
ducttape.cgi (Demonstration)

PBPL Paul Brannan's Programming language.  Similar to logo.  This one is from my middle school days.
pbpl.bas (Visual BASIC for DOS source file)
pbpl.bas (ASCII Visual BASIC for DOS source file, newer version)
pbpl.exe (MS-DOS executable)
Demo A slide show program.  Uses a hypertext-like format.  Includes support for ModeX graphics and PCX files.  Requires the TWK256 BGI library.  Includes as examples my presentation for my 10th grade science fair project. (ZIP archive with MS-DOS executables, examples, and Turbo C source code)
SmartTerm A terminal emulation program for MS-DOS that I wrote a while back.  Fast enough to operate a 14.4k modem (maybe higher) on just a 286.  Most programs can do this, but are slower when interpreting ANSI sequences and writing to the screen.  Never completed.  Based on an ANSI parser by Jason Farrell. (ZIP archive with Turbo C source code).
mac2dos Converts Macintosh text files to PC format.
mac2dos.c (c source file)
mac2dos.exe (win32 binary)
unix2dos Converts Unix text files to PC format
unix2dos.c (c source file)
unix2dos.exe (win32 binary)
dirlist Directory listing with page break.
dirlist.c (Turbo C source file)
keyscan Prints the ASCII/extended ASCII numbers for a given key.
keyscan.c (Turbo C source file)
bmpload Loads BMP (Windows and OS/2 bitmap) files.
bmpload.c (Turbo C source file)
pcxload Loads PCX files.
pcxload.c (Turbo C source file)
tgaload Loads TGA (Targa) files.
tgaload.c (Turbo C source file)
pictio Required for the graphic loaders.
pictio.c (Turbo C source file)
pictio.h (Turbo C header file)
PBShell A program I wrote a long time ago designed to be a Norton Commander replacement (not clone).
pbshell.c (corrupt Turbo C source file)
Colors I think this displays all 256 colors in the default palette?
colors.bas (Visual BASIC for DOS source file)
MDI An MDI program for Visual BASIC for DOS.  I wrote this when I was learning Visual BASIC.  Includes a piano, a control panel, and other utilities.  Much of this is from the VBDOS books. (ZIP archive with Visual BASIC for DOS source files) (the rest of the files?)
Snooper A program that reads ASCII strings from binary files.  Based on a program found in Compute magazine.
snooper.bas (ASCII QuickBASIC source file)
Mempeek A program to "peek" into memory.
mempeek.bas (GWBASIC source file)
Port Outputs values to hardware ports.
port.bas (GWBASIC source file)


There are also a lot of games on my TI-82 page.
Piles A game I wrote back in late 1992.
web page (Visual BASIC for DOS source code)
Misc. Games Miscellaneous games that I have written over the years.  I couldn't find source code.  Many were based on code out of books.  Includes Bricks, Chomper, some slow flight simulators (from a book), Megaroid (not finished) and Target. (MS-DOS executables and GWBASIC source code)
Bricks A breakout clone.
bricks.bas (ASCII QuickBASIC source file, earlier version)
bbricks2.bas (ASCII QuickBASIC source file)
bricks.bas (ASCII QuickBASIC source file, newest version)
Chomper This is a weird one.
chomper.bas (Visual BASIC for DOS source file)
chomperm.bas (Visual BASIC for DOS source file, this one has music)
chompers.bas (Visual BASIC for DOS source file, earlier version)
Jackpot My very first game, dates all the way back to 1989.
jackpot.bas (corrupted GWBASIC source file)
jackpot.exe (MS-DOS executable)
License Another early game, from 1990.
license.bas (GWBASIC source file)
Pingpong This is a pong clone, based on a version I found in a book from the library.
pingpong.bas (ASCII QuickBASIC source file)
pingpong.bas (ASCII QuickBASIC source file, newer version)
Starfire A game with a neat 3D-like effect.
starfire.bas (ASCII QuickBASIC source file)
Target This is a moving-target game.  Straight from a book.
target.bas (GWBASIC source file)
target.bas (Visual BASIC for DOS source file)
target2.bas (GWBASIC source file, modified a bit)
target2.bas (Visual BASIC fo DOS source file)
Target2 Based on Target, this one is a little more difficult, since the characters don't always move straight across.
target2.bas (GWBASIC source file)


Note that many of the programs in these directories are not mine, and may be copyrighted.  Please use them at your own discretion.

c - C source files
basic - GWBASIC source files
vbasic - Visual BASIC for DOS and QuickBASIC source files

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